anisoms CLI tools


usage: ams-plot [-h] [-a ASCFILE] [-r RANFILE] [-c {s,g,p1,t1,p2,t2}]
                [-d {p,t}] [-v]

Plot AMS directions from ASC and RAN files.

positional arguments:
  output                filename for PDF output

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ASCFILE, --ascfile ASCFILE
                        ASC file containing data to plot
  -r RANFILE, --ranfile RANFILE
                        RAN file containing data to plot
  -c {s,g,p1,t1,p2,t2}, --coordinates {s,g,p1,t1,p2,t2}
                        co-ordinate system for ASC file ([s]pecimen,
                        [g]eographic, [p]aleo, or [t]ectonic)
  -d {p,t}, --directions {p,t}
                        source for directions in ASC file
                        ([p]rincipaldirections or [t]ensors)
  -v, --verbose


usage: ams-asc-to-csv [-h] [-f] input_file output_file

Convert anisotropy data from ASC format to CSV format

positional arguments:
  input_file   input filename (Agico ASC format)
  output_file  output filename (comma separated value format)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -f, --ftest  only output samples which pass the F test


usage: ams-print-ran-tensor [-h] ranfile [ranfile ...]

Read Agico RAN files and output their AMS tensors.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: ams-tensor-to-dir [-h] [file [file ...]]

Print the first principal directions of tensors

positional arguments:
  file        text file containing one tensor per line. If no files are given,
              data will be read from the standard input.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: ams-params-from-asc [-h] [--param parameter-name]
                           [--system coordinate-system]
                           asc-file [asc-file ...]

Print selected parameters from an Agico ASC file

positional arguments:
  asc-file              an ASC file to read

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --param parameter-name, -p parameter-name
                        Parameter to extract(magsus, incdec, pj, t, or tensor)
  --system coordinate-system, -s coordinate-system
                        Co-ordinate system (specimen or geograph)